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January 21, 2021

The Big Picture

CPAs share their insight on how the designation provides the skills to help you see the big picture.

Soft skills can prove to be invaluable when it comes to success in the professional world. They are the non-technical competencies related to how employees work, such as customer service, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. Some of these skills might come naturally, while you may need to actively work on others.

The key to being a well-rounded professional is to understand how many small pieces come together to create a business—the bigger picture. To help with that, CPAs in various roles and industries shed some light on how they make the most of these skills in the workplace.

Our very own, Jason Wong, Senior Recruitment Consultant with RPI provides his insight on resiliency and adaptability:

Why resiliency and adaptability are important

Within the sphere of accounting specifically, adaptability is important to maintain your skills and remain relevant. At the end of the day, debits are on the left and credits are on the right, but with the pace of change in the technology we use, if you are not adapting, you will be left behind.

Resiliency and adaptability in action

Throughout my career, resiliency and adaptability have been vital. It has been only 18 years since I graduated university—a short amount of time when you’re talking about a career—yet in that time, the tech bubble burst, we saw the global financial crisis (GFC) unfold, and now we’re adjusting to the new reality of a COVID world. During the GFC, I changed careers and became an accountant. In 2018, I started a new career in recruitment. In the grand scheme of things, my own resiliency has allowed me to weather those economic changes and change careers as I have grown and developed, both personally and professionally.

Keep an open mind

Becoming a CPA is a great career move. If you have an open mind, you can truly make it into anything you want. While it’s impossible to know what will happen in the next 20 years, being resilient in the face of adversity and being adaptable in the face of change will allow you to stay engaged with the work you do and remain relevant, regardless of where your career takes you.

To read the full issue of the Capitalize Fall/Winter 2021 publication visit

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