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June 15, 2022

10+ Tips to Enjoy Summer While Working Full Time

Summer in Alberta is often described as fleeting at best. We get fantastic weather for only a few months, so it can be difficult to work full time when you feel like you’re missing out on all of summer. However, there are still many ways you can make the most out of summer while continuing to work hard at your job. Here are some of our top tips for enjoying summer while working full time. 

1. Eat Lunch Outdoors

Eating your lunch outside can help boost your mood considerably as well as help you enjoy your summer every day. Whether you have an outdoor seating area or you plan to keep camping chairs in your vehicle, sitting outside with your coworkers allows you to enjoy summer and catch some sunshine without missing out on work.

2. Have Internal Meetings Outdoors

This one won’t always work if you need computers for your meeting, but sometimes you can organize team meetings to be outside where you enjoy the outdoors during working hours. Outdoor meetings are fantastic for meetings that involve strategic planning, one on one reviews, or company updates. If you work from home, internal meetings are a great time to set up shop on your deck or patio!

3. Plan Company Barbecues

Company-wide barbecues are a great morale booster for employees that allow them to enjoy more bits of summer. Plan a barbecue on a Friday afternoon once or twice during the summer to allow staff members a reprieve and a chance to enjoy the weather. Whether you invite family members or keep the barbecues for just coworkers, company barbecues in the summer can be a lot of fun!

4. Plan Company Team Building Events in Summer

Team building events are an important part of morale-boosting as well as improving coworker relationships. Whether you plan a day of sports, a trip to a nearby beach, or even charitable giving like a park cleanup, if you’re planning a team building event, try to plan them in the summertime!

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5. Form a Walking Club

Walking clubs can be a lot of fun for coworkers. Going for walks in the summertime can allow you to get to know your coworkers as well as get some exercise and enjoy the sunshine. Weekly, or even daily, lunchtime walks are a great way to enjoy summer!

6. Adjust Your Working Hours

This isn’t always feasible, but if your company is able to accommodate flexible hours, adjusting when you’re working can help you enjoy summer a lot more! Whether you just shift your hours to be earlier in the day, or you are able to work more hours and have a couple extra days off, adjusting your work schedule can allow for far more free time in the summer. 

7. Make the Most Out of Your Weekends

Strategically planning your weekends can help you enjoy your summer while still working during the week. Plan ahead to make sure you have enough time for the activities you want to enjoy, and potentially book a couple extra Mondays or Fridays off to make the most of the summer.

8. Bike or Walk to Work

If your commute is within walking or biking distance, this can be a great way to enjoy the sunshine before and after work. Getting exercise before you start your day can also help you think clearer and be a better problem solver. 

9. Bring a Happy Hour to the Office

Friday afternoon happy hours are a great mood booster for offices. On Fridays, end your day an hour early and enjoy a happy hour with your coworkers. Whether you have a get-together in the office or head to a favourite restaurant, happy hours are a fantastic way to enjoy the summer. 

10. Sign Up for Summer Activities

One of the top ways people miss out on summer is by not taking advantage of seasonal activities. In your free time, try to do something you wouldn’t usually do, especially in the winter. Whether this is joining a sports team, going berry picking, or taking up a new hobby like gardening, embracing summer activities can help you seize every opportunity the season has to offer.

11. Be Prepared for Impromptu Fun

Being prepared to drop everything and enjoy the season is a great way to ensure you don’t miss out on anything. Keep a bag in your vehicle that has swimsuits, changes of clothes, sunscreen and bug spray, sports equipment, and more in your vehicle. That way no matter where you are or what time it is, you are prepared to have fun at the drop of a hat.

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