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February 7, 2022

Do You Dread Going To Work? 8 Ways To Re-Engage with Your Job

We’ve all experienced it. Our alarm goes off and all we experience is dread. Dreading going to work may be normalized, but it’s not healthy. If you dread going to work, we want to help! Our recruiting experts have put together a series of strategies to help re-engage with your job and stop the dread as we’re on our commute. Loving every aspect of your job is unrealistic, but feeling content (and a lack of dread!) is something we can all strive for. Here are Recruitment Partners’ eight strategies to stop dreading going to work and re-engage with your job.

What is Dread?

Dread, particularly when it comes to work, is a feeling of negative anticipation. Dreading going to work means you’re assuming you’re going to have a bad time and that the experience will be painful or upsetting in some way. Whether you dread boredom, feeling micromanaged, you don’t get along with coworkers, or you have an overwhelming feeling of general dread where everything is just kind of terrible, dread takes a toll. 

Feeling dread when going to work can make the entire day feel like a waste, even if nothing particularly bad actually happens. It’s a negative self-talk where you expect to have an unfavourable experience, so you do. 

Some of the symptoms of dread:

  • Feeling lost or abandoned
  • Increased amounts of anxiety and panic attacks
  • Feeling a lack of control, powerless and helpless
  • Feeling trapped
  • A constant sense of doom or that something terrible will happen
  • Procrastination, avoidance, and risk aversion
  • A general feeling of melancholy and dissatisfaction 

Why Do We Feel Dread Going to Work?

There are many reasons we might dread going to work. Sometimes a workplace is unhealthy or incompatible with you as an employee. In this case, it may be better to look for other opportunities, and the experts at Recruitment Partners can help you!

Not all feelings of dread regarding work are about your employer, the workplace, or even the job itself, though. Sometimes, we dread going to work because we have fallen into a sense of complacency and dissatisfaction, and we don’t know how to dig ourselves out. Some of the reasons we dread going to work include:

  • You’re no longer interested in your daily duties
  • You find your office space suffocating or tiresome
  • You dislike your daily commute
  • You don’t feel as useful as you once did
  • You struggle to fit in with your colleagues or put yourself out there
  • You feel stagnant within your role

Each of these feelings can cause a lot of stress, both inside and outside the workplace. The first step is acknowledging that dreading going to work is not healthy and shouldn’t be normalized, the second step is trying to fix it!

How to Stop Dreading Going to Work

If you’re experiencing dread with work, you’re not alone, and you have options! If you dread work you don’t need to suffer through or quit, there are many strategies you can implement to re-engage with your job. 

Here are our top 8 strategies to stop dreading going to work:

  1. Identify the True Issue
  2. Find Areas that Can Change
  3. Work on Accepting What Cannot Change
  4. Become a Mentor
  5. Find a New Hobby
  6. Take Real Breaks on Your Days Off
  7. Re-engage with the Company Culture
  8. Take on the Mindset of a New Hire

1. Identify the True Issues

The first strategy to no longer dread going to work is identify what is truly making us dissatisfied with our jobs. Once we know exactly what the problem is, it’s easier to fix. Start by making a list of what you are struggling with. By taking a few minutes to really focus on your emotional state, writing down what needs to be addressed, you’ll be able to identify the problem.

2. Find Areas that Can Change

Once you’ve figured out the problem areas, it’s time to find solutions. There are many things can can be addressed if brought up to your HR department and employer. Most companies want their employees to be happy, and will work on finding solutions to what is causing you emotional distress. If you find a commute is a difficult part of your day, ask your employer about working from home, hybrid schedules, or changing your work hours to make your commute easier. Sometimes this can be changed to help, sometimes problems can’t.

3. Work on Accepting What Cannot Change

Sometimes our problems can’t be fixed. Although this is upsetting, it’s also a part of life. Working on accepting the things that can’t be changed can help us move forward and not let it bother us as much. Mindfulness exercises, positive self-talk, and other techniques are all great ways to work on accepting what cannot change. If you have the ability, seeking help from a professional is a fantastic way to learn techniques to improve your mental health!

4. Become a Mentor

One technique to getting yourself out of a rut at work is to become a mentor. Sometimes, helping others can improve our outlook and provide a new way of thinking. If your company has an established mentoring program, sign up and start imparting wisdom on the next generation of workers! If the company doesn’t, look to start a formal or informal mentoring program. Sharing knowledge can help new employees flourish as well as help existing employees find new purpose.

5. Find a New Hobby

Sometimes we feel dissatisfied with our jobs because we need new excitement outside of work. Work-life balance is not just about spending time at home, it’s also about growing professionally and personally. Finding a new hobby can provide a new sense of purpose outside of work, and as such can help you find joy within your job.

6. Take Real Breaks on Your Days Off

Speaking of work-life balance, when you’re off the clock, it’s important to take a real break and allow yourself to recharge. If you never have a break you’re more likely to become burnt out and find yourself dreading work. Make sure you set aside a couple hours on the weekends and at least one hour a day where you let yourself fully unwind. This will provide your brain with a chance to reset and get ready for the next day or week.

7. Re-Engage with the Company Culture

If you’ve started to dread going to work, there’s a good chance you’ve completely disengaged from the company culture. Having amiable relationships with coworkers is an important part of enjoying your job. If you’ve removed yourself from your coworkers and company culture, try re-engaging to find a new sense of belonging. You can join groups or start new ones to find purpose and joy within your job.

8. Take on the Mindset of a New Hire

New hires tend to be eager to learn, willing to accept new challenges, and more likely to take on extra responsibilities. This mindset is a great way to find continued purpose within your organization. Approach every day as if it’s your first on the job. Ask questions, learn new things, and take on added responsibilities for a chance to brighten your experiences with work and stop dreading the day to day.

We spend a large portion of our lives at work, so it’s important to find ways to fill our day with positivity. Dreading going to work can make a big part of our adult life, honestly, horrible. That’s why it’s important to pursue a career that we can find enjoyment in, and work to accept and enjoy our jobs day to day. If you find yourself dreading going to work, try our strategies in re-engaging with work and finding a new purpose in your job! If you still think you need a change, the experts at Recruitment Partners are here to help end your search. We work with hundreds of companies to place professionals in a job that they find fulfilling. If it’s time for a new change, trust Recruitment Partners!

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