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September 6, 2024

What to Wear to an Interview

Finding the perfect outfit for a job interview can be a daunting task. The pressure to make a great first impression, combined with the uncertainty of not knowing what the interviewer expects, can lead to stress and confusion. You want to showcase your professionalism and fit for the role, but figuring out how to balance that with comfort and authenticity isn’t always straightforward. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to dress confidently and appropriately for your next interview, ensuring you leave a lasting impression for all the right reasons.

Your outfit is one of the first things an interviewer will notice, and it can significantly impact their perception of you. Dressing appropriately demonstrates that you respect the opportunity, understand the company culture, and take the role seriously. It’s more than just wearing the “right” clothes — it’s about presenting yourself as someone who fits seamlessly into the organization. A well-chosen outfit can convey your professionalism, attention to detail, and readiness for the role, setting a positive tone for the rest of the interview.

Key Reasons Your Attire Matters:

  • First Impressions Count: The way you dress sets the tone for the interview. A polished appearance can help establish your credibility and professionalism.
  • Reflects Understanding of Company Culture: Your outfit can signal that you’ve researched and understood the company’s values and dress code.
  • Shows Respect and Commitment: Dressing appropriately shows that you take the opportunity seriously and want to make a good impression.
why does what you wear matter

What Should You Consider When Getting Dressed for an Interview?

When planning your interview attire, consider these four ‘Cs’ to ensure you’re putting your best foot forward: culture, comfort, climate, and cleanliness.

  • Corporate Culture: Understanding the company’s dress code is crucial. Are they a traditional corporate environment, or do they lean more casual and creative? Aligning your attire with the company culture shows that you’ve done your homework.
  • Comfort and Confidence: Choose an outfit that you feel confident in — one that fits well and doesn’t distract you or your interviewer. When you’re comfortable, your confidence shines through, allowing you to focus on what’s important: showcasing your skills and experience.
  • Climate: Be mindful of the weather and climate of the building. If you’re prone to being cold or overheating, choose to dress in layers. Being uncomfortable in the environment can distract you during the interview.
  • Cleanliness: Your clothes should be clean, wrinkle-free, and well-maintained. It’s a basic but essential part of presenting yourself professionally.

Tips for Dressing to Impress at the Interview

To ensure you’re dressed to impress, keep the following tips in mind.

  1. Research the Company Dress Code
  2. Prioritize Hygiene
  3. Dress One Step Above the Corporate Standard

Check the company’s website, social media, or LinkedIn profiles for images of employees in the workplace. Look for cues on the company culture and standard dress code. If in doubt, ask the recruiter or contact within the company for advice.

Make sure to shower, have clean hair, and take care of any personal grooming needs. Brush your teeth, and keep your nails neat and clean. Avoid heavy fragrances — opt for a light scent or none at all to ensure you don’t overwhelm your interviewer.

Aim to dress one notch above the company’s standard attire. If the company is business casual, a professional outfit like a blazer with slacks or a dress could work well. Avoid extremes like a tuxedo or cocktail dress.

What to Wear to the Interview

Here are a few tips and ideas on what to wear to your interview!

What to Wear to the Interview – Female

For a corporate environment, a tailored dress, skirt suit, or a smart blouse with trousers can create a professional and polished look. For more casual workplaces, consider smart-casual options like a blouse with a cardigan and tailored pants or a neat dress. Avoid overly revealing outfits and keep accessories minimal.

What to Wear to the Interview – Male

In a corporate setting, a suit and tie or a smart blazer with dress pants is ideal. For casual workplaces, a crisp shirt paired with chinos or dress trousers and polished shoes can strike the right balance. Steer clear of overly casual items like jeans and sneakers unless the company’s culture explicitly embraces them.

What to Wear to the Interview – Gender Neutral

A professional, neutral outfit like a button-down shirt with slacks or a sweater and tailored pants works well in both corporate and casual environments. Opt for neutral colours and simple, clean lines to keep the focus on your skills and experience rather than your attire. Layering with a blazer or cardigan can also add polish to a more casual look.

Download our Dress for Success Guide for more outfit ideas and insight into colour and pattern choices.

What Not to Wear

Avoid these common pitfalls when choosing your interview attire:

  • Revealing or Poor-Fitting Clothing: Make sure your outfit fits well and is appropriate for a professional setting.
  • Strong Perfumes or Scents: Avoid overwhelming scents that could distract or irritate your interviewer.
  • Outfits You Don’t Feel Confident In: If you’re uncomfortable in your outfit, it will show—choose something that makes you feel your best.
  • Overly Casual Items: Skip sneakers, jeans, t-shirts, or anything with logos unless explicitly stated as appropriate by the company.
  • Clothes with Rips or Stains: Ensure everything is clean, ironed, and in good condition — small details make a big difference.

Work with Recruitment Partners to Get Your Next Interview

dressed for an interview

Navigating the job market can be overwhelming, but working with recruitment partners can help you find the right opportunities and prepare for success. They offer guidance on everything from interview prep to resume writing and can even help you nail your interview attire. Whether you’re looking to land your dream job or just need a little extra support, recruitment partners are there to guide you every step of the way.

Dressing for an interview doesn’t have to be stressful. With the right preparation and attention to detail, you can confidently walk into any interview and make a strong, positive impression.

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