How to Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn

Tips for Job Seekers

Are you in the market for a new job, but just aren’t sure how to reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn? Connecting with recruiters is a fantastic way to get in with companies you admire or have a better shot at your dream job, but connecting with recruiters on LinkedIn can be tricky. If you want some tips on how to reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn read on!

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Why Should You Message Recruiters on LinkedIn?

Messaging recruiters on LinkedIn is a great way to grow your connections list and make it known you’re open to new job opportunities. LinkedIn is widely used by job seekers and recruiters alike, so reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn is a great way to meet people who can push you forward in your career. Recruiters have very far-reaching networks where they can help you get in touch with potential employers or mentors. Once you make a connection with a recruiter on LinkedIn they can offer you career advice, help you with the interview process, and keep you in mind for future opportunities! If you’re considering reaching out to a recruiter on LinkedIn, you should definitely do so!

How to Find the Best Recruiters on LinkedIn?

The best recruiters on LinkedIn are recruiters who work for official recruiting agencies. Recruiting agencies are trustworthy and have accountability to their clients, meaning you can trust that the jobs they are posting are legitimate. Recruiters who work for recruiting companies are also specially trained to match candidates with the right jobs. They have plenty of experience helping people write fantastic resumes and cover letters, get through the interview process, and make a great first impression with employers! 

If you’re looking for a fantastic recruiter on LinkedIn, look for recruiters from Recruitment Partners! Our team will walk with you every step of the way to help connect you with your dream job.


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7 Tips for Messaging Recruiters on LinkedIn

It’s important to make a good first impression with recruiters just like you want to make a good impression with a prospective employer.

1. Keep Messages Short

Whether you’re sending a message to a recruiter or responding to a message, it’s important to keep your messages brief. Recruiters get a ton of messages through LinkedIn, so it’s a good idea to show off your communication skills and keep your message efficiently to the point.

2. Use Your Message to Reinforce Your Skills

If you’re interested in connecting with a recruiter, make sure they know some of your top skills. Talk about why you’re a team player, some of your educational background, transferable skills, and things that make you stand out from the crowd.

3. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Make sure your LinkedIn profile has a professional headshot, all your education and work experience, an optimized title, a summary, any certifications you hold, and anything else to help you stand out. Having a completed LinkedIn profile will help you connect with recruiters as well as encourage them to reach out to you.

4. Respond with a Professional Email

If you’re interested in working with a recruiter, make sure you provide them with a way to contact you outside of LinkedIn. Provide an email address that is professional (your full name, nothing explicit or quirky) and make it clear you’re open to them sending you documents or more information about a role they’re promoting.

5. End Messages with a Clear Call to Action 

When responding or reaching out to a recruiter, end your message with a Call to Action (CTA). Ask them to provide you with more information, request they send you an email or give you a call, or invite them to a cup of coffee. A clear CTA will show you’re interested in the role or working with a recruiter and encourage a response. 

6. Check Your Spelling and Grammar

Just like your resume or cover letter, sending a response to a recruiter should be edited for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Typos and errors can seem unprofessional and make the recruiter think you’re not that serious about working with them. Always reread your messages before clicking send!

7. Be Specific

Sending generic messages like “Hi, I’m interested in a new job!” is a quick way to get sent to spam. If you’re truly interested in working with a recruiter, it’s important to tailor the message to what the company is offering. Research the business and available roles and ensure your message is specific to what the recruiter will need to help you find a dream job.

Should You Follow Up with Recruiters?

It’s definitely a good idea to follow up with recruiters once you’ve met with them or exchanged a few messages about a potential role. However, it’s important to not be too pushy or spam recruiters with follow ups. You can send a follow up message thanking them for their time and asking if they’ve made any decisions about their available roles, but once you’ve sent a thank you and follow up it’s a good idea to leave them be. Sending too many follow up messages can come across as aggressive and lead to the recruiter looking elsewhere.  

Can Messaging Recruiters on LinkedIn Get You a Dream Job?

In short, yes! Connecting with recruiters on LinkedIn can get you a dream job. Here at Recruitment Partners, we’re always looking for new candidates to help our clients succeed. If you’re looking for new opportunities, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and connect with an RPI recruiter who works in your field! We’d love to work with you and help you get your dream job.

message recruiter on linkedin

Once we find a perfect role for you, our recruiting team will help you prepare you resume and cover letter, give you tips for the interview, and work to help you find the right fit! For the best chance at finding your dream job, be sure to check out our LinkedIn and connect with a recruiter!